Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Some people are just not worth my time...

What a crazy night we have had! It is quite a long story so I will just try to stick to the highlights, or low lights as they should be called. The drama actually began on Sunday afternoon. We have been trying to sell Nathan's 1990 Honda Civic for the past couple of weeks. The engine ceased due to lack of oil (I guess it is not common sense to 16 year old drivers that cars need oil, just for future reference) and the car is really no good to anyone unless they know how to replace the engine. Ginny's niece decided that her and her husband would like to purchase the car, her husband had an engine that would fit the car, seemed like the perfect deal, right?? WRONG!! Ginny made the deal with her niece that they could pay $400 for the car. All parties agreed and were to pick up the car on Monday evening around 7. Jump to Monday night, 11 p.m., yes, I said 11 p.m., not quite sure what happened to 7, but yeah. So the husband of the niece shows up to pick up the car. As he inspects the car and the title, he realizes that the car is a 1990 and he had thought it was a 1991. He was concerned that the engine that he had would not fit the car. Ginny assured him on 3 different occassions that he did not need to purchase the car if he was unsure. He pondered the offer and decided to purchase the car anyways. Ginny at that point received what she thought was the $400, signed over the title. On her way inside she counted the money, revealing that she was only given $300. She text her niece and was assured that she would receive the rest of the money this next week. Ginny's niece began texting her around 10 a.m. on Tuesday morning, stating that the engine that they had did not fit the car and that they wanted to return the car. Ginny was at work and was attempting to distract from the phone calls until work was over and she could process what needed to happen. She was called and text over and over until finally she was off of work and able to respond. She gave in and agreed to let them return the car, even though we had already notified the DMV that the car was no longer ours and that ownership had been transferred to someone else. After coming home and us discussing things more, we realized that it was not really our problem that the engine they had did not fit the car...we began to think that we should let them know that a deal was a deal and we are not ok with taking the car back. And after all, they are family. But today, Ryann took the reigns. I was completely against taking back a car that had been out of my possession for 3 days now. I have no way of knowing if the engine had been removed from the car, what condition the engine was in now, and if the car had had parts removed. At this point, I decided to text the niece and let her know that we would not be willing to take the car back. That a deal was a deal and we are sorry that the engine they had did not fit the car, but the deal was final. And LET THE DRAMA BEGIN. For the last 3 hours this evening we have been fielding a barrage of phone calls and text messages. We have been listening to their empty threats of they are coming to drop off the car no matter what, that they are taking us to court, that the family relationship is over, blah, blah, blah. At one point Ginny's niece stated that "as long as Ginny is in a relationship with me, that she is writing Ginny off as her aunt", um...are you serious??? All of this over a car and $300? So, Ginny and I discussed and decided to call them and tell them to bring the car back, we would give them their money back, and that if all of this is worth losing a family relationship over then so be it...Ginny's niece made one final call and attempt to talk shit about me....Ginny quickly put her in her place and stated that their relationship was over. I don't know why really I am blogging about all of this other than maybe for some feedback? Did we handle this situation right? Would you have allowed them to return the car? Or am I just being a hard ass? Needless to say, I have a 1990 Honda Civic for sale with a blown engine, if you are interested, ALL SALES ARE FINAL.

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