Thursday, December 25, 2008

Our Christmas Morning from HELL!!

So...what better to do on a blustery and snowing Christmas morning...Well head to grandma's house of course! As we opened the front door to leave for the morning, we could barely open the door the winds were so strong. We all ran to the car and began what we will now remember as the day we almost died on 7800 South trying to get to grandma's house. As we turned onto 7800 South we realized that the wind was blowing so hard that the roads were a total white out! We literally could not see 2 feet in front of the car! We were slowly making our way down the road, using the snow banks and telephone poles as guides! We are making our way down the road where out of nowhere a truck is sideways in the middle of the road...I slammed on the breaks just in time to avoid slamming into the side of the truck, only to watch the car behind us nearly slam into us! Needless to say I was shaking like crazy and everyone else in the car was near tears! As we finished our drive down the road we encountered another 5 or 6 cars that were stuck in the snowdrifts! We followed a snow plow out and were able to continue our drive to grandmas. We found out later in the day that they actually closed the road due to the conditions and the number of accidents and incidents. Thank god we were one of the lucky ones to make it out alive!! I don't think we will do that again anytime soon!

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