Monday, March 9, 2009

Lunch with Old Friends...

On Saturday I went to lunch with some old friends from high school. I have honestly not laughed so hard in a long time! I realized how much fun these ladies were and remembered some of the stupid stuff that we did! I can't believe how much some of my friends still look exactly the same as I remembered them! Of course I was on my "A" game that day, I was bringing the funny like we all know I can do. But Marci, and talking about Lauralee's dads office and her interpretation of his accent, OMG that will always be funny no matter how many times I hear it! I felt like we all just picked up right where we had left off almost 15 years ago! It was a super time and I can't wait to see them all again! So, for those of you who were there that spy on me through my blog, email me your email addresses, I forgot that the email I use for this blog is different than my normal email! Add me to your blogs at!! Yes, Jenny, I am talking to you girl!