On January 17th we attended a Life Celebration party for Ginny's cousin Heather. Heather has been battling a terminal illness known as ALS for the last few years. The disease has taken nearly all of her physical ablility away, including being able to breathe on her own. She was placed on a ventilator a few months back. She was warned before they did the surgery that she may not be able to speak afterwards. She went ahead with the surgery. A couple of days later she was speaking and has been able to speak since the surgery, which is very rare for someone in her condition, truly amazing. Heather has chosen to leave her mortal life and continue her life in heaven. She has chosen to be removed from her ventilator on January 26th. We are so thankful to have shared in this special evening with Heather. Heather has been an inspiration to all of us. She is an amazing woman and will be truly missed. We love you Heather, you will be in our thoughts and hearts forever.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
School of Rock...Blondie vs The Cars
Adam before the show...
The program...a lil' shout out to Adam!
Adam performed at the Murray Theater on January 9th and 10th. He played for a crowd of about 300 people on Saturday night. He has been participating in the School of Rock for about 6 months now and has become quite the little guitar player! Go Addy!
Adam's Acting Debut...
Adam participated in his first school play of this 9th grade year. He was able to play the guitar as a fellow classmate sang. He also had a few speaking parts...check him out!
A Lil' Snowday!
On January 3rd we decided that it was time to take the kids out for some sledding. I am not sure who had more fun...the girls, or the boys! We have the convenience of having a good sized hill right here at our house! It was freezing cold! And the boys being the dorks that they are were wearing jeans and tennis shoes! Needless to say, when we were all done the boys were convinced they had frostbite and were ready to head to the hospital. It was a fun time all together as a family!
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Rings, The Rings!!
So we finally took the time to shoot some pictures of our rings. They are kinda hard to see, and we were arguing over whose hand gets to be on top (as you can see, I won), but here is our attempt at a photo shoot of our bling!! For those of you whose eyes are beginning to fail them, if you look closely you will see a silver ring and a gold ring. It is 2 women who are "spooning" as us crazy kids call it now a days! Enjoy!
Ellie's New "G" Ride
Ellie got a super new toy for Christmas! I am not sure who likes it more, her or me, but either way it is a zippy lil thing! We took it out the other night, since we have been waiting for the walks to melt so it would not get wet and took it for a test run! She is all excited at the idea of riding her motorcycle with mom and mom out on the open roads!! Hmmm...I am not sure that the Hannah Montana scooter can hang with the big boys!
Happy New Year!
Happy 2009!! I can hardly believe that the last year flew by as quickly as it did! We had some big events take place in 2008 and we are hoping for many more great things in 2009! To celebrate this year Gin and I made reservations at The Melting Pot. We had never been there so we thought we would give it a shot! What a super night we had! We were highly entertained after a bottle of wine at how much fun the cork can be! We celebrated until the wee hours of the morning (eh um 10:00 pm) and work up with a refreshed and positive outlook for 2009!
This was the spread, it was amazing!
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